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How To Fix A Potential High Pricing Error On Amazon Alert ( FBA Seller's Guide)

Written by
Vanessa Hung
February 9, 2024

Are you an Amazon seller puzzled by the "Potential High Pricing Error" alert? Since January 2015, Amazon has sent out these alerts, deactivating product listings they believe are priced too high or low.

This article will navigate you through the steps to fix this error and reactivate your products promptly. Keep reading if you want to say goodbye to pricing errors and hello to smooth selling!

Key Takeaways

Understanding Potential High Pricing Errors on Amazon

Potential high pricing errors on Amazon refer to situations where the price of a product listed by a seller is significantly higher than what it should be. These errors can occur due to various reasons and can negatively impact the seller's reputation and sales on the platform.


What are potential high pricing errors?

Potential high pricing errors emerge when Amazon's algorithms identify a product's sales price as significantly higher than expected. These alerts can lead to immediate deactivation of the said listing, thus obstructing your selling process on Amazon.

This occurs due to an automated comparison between your set price for a specific item and either its historical selling prices or the price range within which an item is typically sold across Amazon.

To reactivate such items, you need to resolve these detected 'pricing errors'. It was in 2015 that Amazon started marking listings with potential pricing errors, making it quite crucial for sellers like yourself to understand how this works and possibly rectify such situations swiftly.

Why do potential high pricing errors occur?

Potential high pricing errors occur primarily due to a seller setting an unusually high price for a product compared to the market average. Amazon's sophisticated algorithm detects this irregularity and flags it as such in order to maintain regularity and fairness within its marketplace.

This system is designed to protect both sellers and buyers on the platform from unintentional mistakes or possible fraudulent activities. If your listing is deactivated because of a potential high pricing error, it means that Amazon has identified your item's price as significantly higher than recent prices offered on or off Amazon.

Furthermore, the activation of automated repricing tools without proper supervision can contribute to these errors, frequently leading to incorrect adjustments outside acceptable ranges determined by the seller or decided by Amazon's policies.

How to Fix Potential High Pricing Errors on Amazon

To fix a potential high pricing error on Amazon, start by double-checking your price to ensure it is accurate and competitive. Then, set a minimum and maximum price range to avoid extreme fluctuations.

Consider making small tweaks to your price gradually if necessary. If you believe there is an error with the system or need further assistance, open a support ticket with Amazon and escalate the case to a supervisor if needed.

Double check your price

Observing your listed price closely is a crucial step in rectifying potential high pricing errors. You may have inputted the wrong amount or added extra zeros without realizing it.

Start by going to the Pricing tab and select Fix Pricing Alerts. This takes you to the page where you can review your listed prices. Verify each listing thoroughly, paying close attention for possible errors that might have led Amazon's algorithm to flag your listing as overpriced.

Once spotted, adjust these inaccuracies promptly so your product doesn't remain deactivated for an extended period of time. This process not only helps resolve alerts but also reignites sales momentum for your products on Amazon.

Set a minimum and maximum price

To fix potential high pricing errors on Amazon, you can set a minimum and maximum price for your listings. This shows Amazon that your prices are intentional and not a mistake. Here's how you can do it:

Make small tweaks to your price

To address potential high pricing errors on Amazon, you can make small tweaks to your price. This involves adjusting your listing's price slightly and editing the existing price before reactivating it.

By doing this, you show Amazon that your prices are intentional and not a mistake. It's important to find the right balance so that your sales price falls within a reasonable range.

When making these adjustments, remember to go to the Pricing tab in Seller Central and select "Fix Price Alerts" to access the tool for addressing potential pricing errors. Once you have made the necessary tweaks, click "Reactivate" to ensure your products are back up for sale on Amazon as soon as possible.

Open a support ticket

If you are unable to fix a potential high pricing error on Amazon by adjusting your price or setting minimum and maximum prices, opening a support ticket is the next step. By doing so, you can reach out to Amazon's customer support team for assistance in resolving the issue. For unresolved issues, don’t hesitate to request a call back from Amazon Seller central to speak with a supervisor.

They will review your case and provide guidance on how to rectify the problem with your listing. This will help ensure that your product remains active and available for purchase by customers on the platform.

Escalate the case to a supervisor

If you are unable to resolve the potential high pricing error on Amazon through other means, it may be necessary to escalate the case to a supervisor. This can be done by contacting Amazon Seller Support and requesting assistance from a higher-level representative who can provide further guidance and support in resolving the issue.

Remember that escalating the case should be a last resort when all other options have been exhausted. By involving a supervisor, you increase your chances of reaching a resolution and ensuring that your product listings are back up and running smoothly on Amazon's platform.

Tips to Prevent Potential High Pricing Errors in the Future

- Regularly review and update your pricing.

- Use automated repricing tools to ensure your prices stay competitive.

- Monitor your competitors' prices and make adjustments accordingly.

- Stay informed about Amazon's pricing policies and guidelines to avoid any potential pitfalls.

Regularly review and update your pricing

Regularly reviewing and updating your pricing is crucial to avoid potential high pricing errors on Amazon. Follow these steps to ensure your prices are accurate and competitive:

  1. Monitor market trends and competitors' prices: Stay informed about the current market conditions and keep an eye on what your competitors are charging for similar products.
  2. Analyze customer demand: Regularly assess the demand for your products and adjust your prices accordingly. If a particular item is in high demand, you may consider raising its price slightly to maximize profits.
  3. Consider supply chain costs: Take into account any changes in production costs, shipping fees, or other expenses related to your products. Adjusting your prices to reflect these costs will help maintain profitability.
  4. Utilize automated repricing tools: Use specialized software or tools that can automatically adjust your prices based on preset rules or algorithms. These tools can save you time while ensuring that your prices remain competitive.
  5. Keep track of sales performance: Monitor how well your products are selling at their current prices. If certain items consistently underperform, it might be worth considering a price adjustment to stimulate sales.
  6. Stay informed about Amazon's policies: Familiarize yourself with Amazon's pricing policies and guidelines to ensure compliance and avoid any potential penalties or issues with listing visibility.

Use automated repricing tools

To effectively manage your pricing on Amazon and avoid potential high pricing errors, it is highly recommended to utilize automated repricing tools. These tools can help you continuously monitor the prices of your competitors and adjust yours accordingly in real-time.

By using automated repricing tools, you can ensure that your products stay competitively priced without the need for constant manual adjustments. This will not only save you time but also prevent any potential errors or discrepancies in your pricing strategy.

Stay ahead of the competition and streamline your pricing process with these helpful tools.

Monitor your competitors' prices

To stay competitive on Amazon, it's crucial to monitor your competitors' prices. By keeping an eye on what your rivals are charging for similar products, you can make informed decisions about your own pricing strategy.

Regularly checking and comparing prices will help you identify any potential high pricing errors or opportunities to adjust your rates accordingly. This way, you can ensure that your products remain attractive to customers while maximizing your profitability in the marketplace.

Stay informed about Amazon's pricing policies and guidelines

To ensure you avoid potential high pricing errors on Amazon, it is crucial to stay informed about Amazon's pricing policies and guidelines. By familiarizing yourself with these rules, you can better understand what is considered acceptable pricing and avoid triggering alerts from Amazon's algorithm.

Stay up-to-date with any changes or updates in the pricing policies to make sure your listings comply. This will help you maintain consistent and accurate pricing for your products, preventing any disruptions to your selling experience on Amazon.


In conclusion, fixing a potential high pricing error on Amazon is crucial for sellers to ensure their listings remain active and competitive. By double-checking prices, setting minimum and maximum prices, making small tweaks, and seeking support from Amazon, sellers can resolve these errors efficiently.

Additionally, implementing strategies like regularly reviewing pricing, using repricing tools, monitoring competitors' prices, and staying informed about Amazon's policies can help prevent future pricing errors.

With these steps in place, sellers can optimize their listings and maximize their sales on the platform.


1. Why am I receiving a potential high pricing error alert on Amazon?

You may be receiving a potential high pricing error alert on Amazon because the price of your product is significantly higher than the average market price or other listings for similar products.

2. How can I fix a potential high pricing error on Amazon?

To fix a potential high pricing error on Amazon, you can review and adjust the price of your product to be more competitive and in line with market standards.

3. Will fixing a potential high pricing error affect my sales or rankings?

Fixing a potential high pricing error is likely to have positive effects on your sales and rankings as it makes your product more attractive to buyers and increases its visibility among competitors.

4. Is it necessary to contact Amazon support if I receive a potential high pricing error alert?

It is not necessary to contact Amazon support when you receive a potential high pricing error alert as you can resolve this issue by adjusting the price yourself through your seller account settings.

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