5 min read

Amazon Lost Inventory: How to File a Reimbursement Claim

Written by
Vanessa Hung
January 25, 2024

Navigating the murky waters of Amazon lost inventory can be a headache for many online sellers. Shockingly, it's estimated that Amazon loses or damages up to 1% of all its third-party sellers' inventories annually.

This blog post will simplify the process of addressing such losses by guiding you through filing reimbursement claims and avoiding common pitfalls. Ready to reclaim your peace of mind? Let's dive in!

What Happens When Amazon Loses Your Inventory?

When Amazon loses your inventory, it can be a difficult truth to face. However, they have a reimbursement process in place to help compensate sellers for their losses. There are different types of lost inventory claims that sellers can file and eligibility criteria that must be met in order to receive reimbursement.

The difficult truth

It's challenging to accept, but Amazon may lose your inventory. Despite careful planning, inventory loss is an unfortunate reality that many Amazon sellers face. This often happens due to logistical errors in the multi-layered supply chain process.

From items getting misplaced in the massive fulfillment centers to packages going missing during shipping, numerous factors contribute to this issue. Losing inventory not only disrupts sales activity but also costs you money that should have been profit.

Types of lost inventory claims

Different types of claims can be lodged when dealing with Amazon lost inventory. Below are some of the main categories:

  1. Damaged Inventory Claims: This involves products that have suffered any form of harm within Amazon's fulfillment centers.
  2. Lost Shipment Claims: This category applies to items that get lost while in transit from your location to Amazon’s warehouse.
  3. Customer Return Reimbursement: If a customer returns an item and it gets lost or damaged, you can file under this claim type.
  4. Warehouse Loss Claims: When inventory goes missing within an Amazon warehouse, such claims fall under this type.
  5. Inbound FBA Inventory Claims: These cover instances where items go missing during shipment to Amazon's warehouse for FBA sellers.
  6. Removal Order Details Claims: If your inventory gets lost during a removal order process, this is the relevant claim type.
  7. Refunds for Lost Packages: If a package goes missing after being shipped from an Amazon warehouse to a customer, this is the appropriate claim.

Eligibility for reimbursement

To be eligible for reimbursement from Amazon for lost inventory, there are a few key requirements. First, you must have proof of ownership for the items in question. This can include invoices or receipts showing your purchase of the inventory.

Second, you need to provide evidence that the loss occurred while in Amazon's possession, such as shipment tracking information or photographs of damaged items upon arrival at their warehouse.

Finally, it's important to submit your reimbursement claim within 18 months of the loss occurring. By meeting these eligibility criteria and providing the necessary documentation, you increase your chances of receiving compensation for lost inventory from Amazon.

How to File a Reimbursement Claim

If your inventory gets lost or damaged while in Amazon's possession, you have the option to file a reimbursement claim. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Submitting a "shipment to Amazon" claim: If your inventory goes missing upon arrival at an Amazon fulfillment center, you can file a claim for reimbursement. Make sure to provide all the necessary documentation, such as proof of shipment and delivery.
  2. Claiming for lost or damaged items: In case your inventory gets lost or damaged during storage or while being processed by Amazon, you can file a claim for reimbursement. Provide details about the specific items that were affected and any evidence of their condition prior to shipping.
  3. Calculating the reimbursement value: To determine the amount you are eligible for, Amazon will evaluate factors like the item's purchase price, its current retail value, and any applicable fees associated with reselling it.
  4. Potential reasons for lost inventory: Be prepared to provide explanations and evidence regarding how the loss or damage occurred. This may involve detailing any discrepancies in inbound FBA inventory reports or incidents during delivery.

Calculating the reimbursement value

To calculate the reimbursement value for your lost inventory, you need to consider several factors. First, determine the cost of each item that was lost or damaged. This can be based on the purchase price or the resale price if applicable.

Next, check your sales records to see how many units were sold before the loss occurred. Multiply this number by the cost per unit to get an estimate of the total value of lost inventory.

Finally, take into account any fees or expenses associated with storing and shipping the products to Amazon's fulfillment centers. By adding up all these costs, you can arrive at a fair reimbursement value for your lost inventory.

Potential reasons for lost inventory

Potential reasons for lost inventory can vary, but some common factors include errors in the fulfillment process, inaccurate tracking systems, and mishandling during transportation.

These issues can lead to misplaced or damaged items, resulting in lost inventory for sellers. It is crucial for sellers to have proper warehouse management practices in place to minimize these risks and ensure a more efficient supply chain.

Regular audits, robust inventory tracking systems, and effective communication with logistics partners can help prevent potential losses and maintain better control over stock management.

What Not to Do

When dealing with Amazon losing your inventory, it is important to avoid taking any retaliatory or unprofessional actions that could negatively impact your relationship with the platform. Stay calm and professional throughout the reimbursement process.

Avoiding negative consequences

To avoid negative consequences when filing a reimbursement claim for lost inventory with Amazon, it's crucial to stay professional throughout the process. Keep in mind that frustration or anger won't help resolve the issue faster.

Instead, focus on providing all necessary information and documentation required to support your claim. Additionally, be sure to follow Amazon's guidelines and procedures precisely to ensure a smoother resolution.

By handling the situation professionally and adhering to the correct protocols, you increase your chances of receiving fair compensation for your lost inventory without any unnecessary setbacks or complications.

Staying professional

It is crucial to maintain professionalism when dealing with lost inventory on Amazon. This includes remaining calm and composed, even in frustrating situations. It's essential not to vent frustration or anger towards Amazon customer service representatives or warehouse staff.

Instead, focus on providing clear and concise information about the lost inventory and following the proper channels for reimbursement claims. By staying professional, you increase your chances of a successful resolution while maintaining a positive reputation as a seller.


The challenge of lost inventory on Amazon can be frustrating, but it's a reality that every seller may encounter. The key to overcoming this hurdle lies in proactive measures, such as meticulous inventory management, regular reconciliation, and clear communication with Amazon's support teams. While it may seem like a setback, consider it an opportunity to fine-tune your operations, enhance your tracking systems, and ultimately strengthen your resilience as an Amazon seller.

Remember, in the ever-evolving landscape of e-commerce, adaptability and resilience are your greatest allies. Consider partnering with expert services that can offer tailored solutions to optimize your inventory strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why isn't my Amazon listing showing up in search results?

Your Amazon listing may not appear in search results due to incomplete or inaccurate product information, keywords optimization issues, or compliance problems with Amazon's listing guidelines.

What can I do if Amazon has marked my listing as unavailable?

If Amazon has marked your listing as unavailable, verify your inventory levels, ensure all listing details are accurate, and check for policy compliance or potential account restrictions.

Is there a time limit for filing a reimbursement claim with Amazon for lost inventory?

Yes, you generally have an 18-month window from the loss occurrence to file a reimbursement claim with Amazon for lost inventory.

Can I prevent inventory loss on Amazon in the future?

To minimize future inventory loss on Amazon, adopt thorough inventory management practices, conduct frequent stock audits, and ensure items are properly packaged and labeled.

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